Sunday Worship
Sunday Worship
Sunday Worship - FRAN Month - FRIENDS DAY 9.1.19
Sunday Worship Service 8.25.19
Sunday Morning Worship Service 8.18.19
Sunday Worship 8.11.19 Pt. 3
Simply text:
EILMBR to 41411
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Ever-Increasing Life Ministries is a church that focuses on “Changing Generations with the Word of God”
Ever-Increasing Life
Core Values
We believe the Bible is to be the inspired and only infallible Word of God.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the Church of God, which is in Christ, at His return.
We believe that the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious blood of Christ.
We believe that every believer upon his profession of faith, should be baptized in water by immersion according to
Mark 16:15
We believe that regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the human body in the answer to believing prayer.
We believe that the baptism in the Holy Ghost, according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who ask for it.
We believe in the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling, the Christian is enabled to live a holy and separate life in this present world.
We believe that our church is called to have a specific ministry to the fatherless. James 1:27
We believe to whom much is given much is required. Therefore, we will gladly use ministry resources to assist, develop, and minister to other churches.
We believe that disciplining and reaching men will result in the restoration of the family and the strengthening at the local church. Therefore, we will prioritize reaching men.
We believe that every believer ought to seek to win others to Christ.
We believe that the primary purpose for which the church exists is to “make disciples of all men.” Discipleship is the process whereby the church equips believers to move from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity through the ministries of prayer, worship, evangelism, education, fellowship, and stewardship.
A disciple is a devoted, disciplined learner, and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ who seeks to win others to faith in Christ.
6360 Greenwell Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70812
Tel: 225-357-4177
Service Times:
Sunday: 9 am
Wednesday: 7 pm